SSC MTS Daily Quiz 2024

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SSC MTS Daily Quiz 2024


In this article called Ssc mts daily quiz, the most important questions in the subjects of the syllabus related to MTS have been collected and incorporated in this article in the form of a quiz.But this quiz is very useful for the candidates who are preparing for ssc mts 2024 exam.This quiz helps mts candidates to practice and improve their skills. Many candidates are preparing for ssc mts 2024 examination. For them ssc mts daily quiz along with ssc mts book pdf and ssc mts previous year paper are provided in Hindi and English medium.All these are very useful for candidates who are preparing for mts exam.

But what are the benefits of this ssc mts daily quiz for mts candidates in this article? Tips to score high in Mts Exam.

As above has been mentioned in detail, candidates preparing for MTS must understand and follow them carefully, then success is yours.Now let’s see what they are in detail.

What are the benefits of SSC MTS Daily Quiz 2024?

The benefits of SSC MTS Daily Quiz 2024 are many. But what are they? How to get them? Now let’s see how getting success in MTS exam.

Many candidates are preparing for MTS Exam. But they are doing direct preparation only.Most of them don’t know about what to do and what to study to score high in the exam.For them, in this article we have given tips and tricks to score high in SSC MTS Exam.The sources required for this have also been mentioned.If MTS candidates follow these regularly then they must succeed in ssc mts 2024 exam.

• Practice

You will practice by writing test series like SSC MTS Daily Quiz 2024 every day.Practicing this will also greatly improve your performance.Due to this growth, there is a chance to answer any question in the MTS exam very easily.Many candidates prepare but do not practice.The main reason for failing in MTS exam is lack of practice.So if you write SSC MTS Daily Quiz 2024 regularly every day then you will get very good results.

• Know your strengths and weaknesses

Strengths and weaknesses. What are these strengths and weaknesses? Some candidates make some unknowing mistakes while writing the exam.These can be called weaknesses.But due to this there will be a lot of loss to the candidates.For this, if you write exams like this SSC MTS Daily Quiz 2024 every day to know these points of weakness, you can identify your points of weakness and develop them.

• Score will improve

Some candidates don’t know what the score will be. For this they can write tests like SSC MTS Daily Quiz 2024 so they can know how much score they will get.What is the use of knowing this score Knowing this score can help you understand how you or your level of preparation is.By this you can increase your preparation.

If you are getting a low score, you can improve it in a very short time and get a high score in the final exam.

Now let’s see the quiz related to this SSC MTS Daily Quiz 2024.

Write SSC MTS Daily Quiz 2024 here

Q.1 How many major theories have been established on the origin of iron in India?

Ans: Two

Q.2 When calculating Net National Product (NNP), what is deducted from Gross National Product (GNP)?

Ans: Depreciation

Q.3 India beat _______ in the final of the Asian Kabaddi Championship 2023 at the Dong-Eui Institute of Technology Seokdang Cultural center in Busan, Republic of Korea, in July 2023

Ans: Iran

Q.4 Washing soda, sodium carbonate decahydrate, efflorescent crystals used for washing, especially textiles, is a compound of _________.

Ans: sodium

Q.5 Which five year plan’s objective is establishment of a self-reliant and self-generating economy¹?

Ans: Third

Q.6What is the minimum age to become a member of Rajya Sabha?

Ans: 130

Q.7 In which month is the harvest festival Lohri celebrated?

Ans: January

Q.8 Based on the Saxena Committee’s recommendations, in ________ the Ministry of Rural Development under the government of India launched the Socio-Economic and Caste Census (SECC).

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Ans: 2011

Q.9 James Augustus Hickey is also known as father of ______.

Ans: Indian Journalism

Q.10 The National Dental Commission Bill, 2023 introduced by _________ ministry.

Ans: Health and Family Welfare

Q.11 Who is famous for playing the musical instrument shehnai?

Ans: Ali Ahmad Hussain

Q.12 The establishment of the Industrial Development Bank of India (IDBI) in 1964 was a significant step toward:

Ans: Promoting heavy industries

Q.13 Which state is connected to the Bastar Dussehra festival?

Ans: Chhattisgarh

Q.14 Which Hockey team was the winner of first Men Hockey world cup in 1971?

Ans: Pakistan

Q.15 Which sport is played by the Indian sportsperson Vikas Krishan Yadav?

Ans: Boxing

Q.16 As of 2023, when was the last fundamental duty added to Article 51 A?

Ans: 2002

Q.17 In the first phase of the Green Revolution, which states primarily benefited from the use of HYV seeds?

Ans: Punjab, Andhra Pradesh, and Tamil Nadu

Q.18 A fast and low shot in badminton that makes a horizontal flight over the net is known as _________.

Ans: drive

Q.19 In India, the _______ may create and disanive any of the union territories, whose powers are more limited than those of the states.

Ans: Union Government

Q.20 The X-ring on the archery target is the _______ inner ring.

Ans: 10th

AP DSC Mock Test In Telugu 2024
AP DSC Mock Test In Telugu 2024: Also AP TET 2024

Q.21 What is the primary purpose of a government budget in a country’s economy?

Ans: Allocating resources efficiently

Q.22 The Iron Age in India is associated with the _______ period, which lasted from about 1500 to 500 BCE.

Ans: Vedic

Q.23 Read the following about the Green Revolution in India.

A. The Green Revolution in India is largely the Wheat Revohition as the whest production increased by more than three times between 1967-68 and 2003-04, while the overall increase in the production of cereals was only two times

B. It resulted in a grain output of 131 million tonnes in the year 1975-79 and established India as one of the world’s biggest agricoltural producers

Idemify the CORRECT statement statements.

Ans: Both A and B

Q.24 How are the representatives of the Union Territories (UTs) in the Rajya Sabha elected?

Ans: Indirectly elected by members of an electoral college

Q.25 Fundamental Rights are contained in ________ of the Constitution of India.

Ans: Part III

Q.26 Matho Nagrang’ is associated with which of the following states/UTs?

Ans: Ladakh

Q.27 Which of the following Indian stadium is renowned as a major venue for hockey matches.

Ans: Kalinga Stadium

Q.28 India’s population pyramid, with a wide base and narrower top, suggests what type of population structure?

Ans: Expansive

Q.29 The Jallianwala Bagh Massacre took place in Amritsar in 1919, during which policy or act that allowed the British to arrest and imprison Indians without trial?

Ans: Rowlatt Act

Q.30 With respect to the Anusandhan National Research Foundation Bill, 2023, who will audit the accounts of the Anusandhan National Research Foundation annually?

Ans: CAG

Q.31 Consider the following statements:

A) A gas that follows Boyle’s law, Charles’ law and Avogadro law is called an ideal gas.

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B) As per Gay Lussac’s law, at constant volume, pressure of a fixed amount of a gas varies directly with the temperature.

C) Silicon is present in group 14 and period 3 of the periodic table.

Ans: A, B, C are true

Q.32 Who of the following received Sangeet Natak Akademi Award for his contribution to Sattriya dance?

Ans: Tankeswar Hazarika Borbayan

Q.33 Which state has introduced an upgraded version of its poverty alleviation scheme called Orunodoi 2.0?

Ans: Assam

Q.34 Who has been nominated as Ambassador for War Against Waste in Jammu and Kashmir. in September 2023?

Ans: Bana Singh

Q.35 With what musical instrument is Ustad Binda Khan associated?

Ans: Sarangi

Q 36 Sex ratio is used to describe the number of females per _______ males.

Ans: 1000

Q.37 Yug covers a certain distance with a speed of 56 km/h in hours. If he wants to cover the same distance in 7 hours, what would be his speed (in km/h)?

Ans: 12

Q.38 Vikram saves 13% of his monthly salary. If his monthly expenditure is 5,220, then his monthly savings is:

Ans: ₹780

Q.39 A grocery seller mixes two varieties of tea costing 300 per kg and 160 per kg in such a ratio that by selling this mixture at the rate of 2187 per kg the shopkeeper eams 10% profit. In what respective ratio does the grocery seller mix the two varieties of tea?

Ans: 1 : 13

Q.40 A person buys a table fan for 2.800 and selis it at a loss of 12″. What is the selling price of the table far?

Ans: ₹2.464

Q.41 If A: B=7:9 and B: C=5:6, Find the ratio of C and A respectively.

Ans: 54 : 35

Q.42 What should come in place of ‘?’ in the given series? 3 20 54 ? 258 530 1074

Ans: 122

AP TET 2024
AP TET Mock Test Free: AP TET 2024

Q.43 Statements: All crows are sparrows. Some sparrows are parrots. All parcots are yellow.

Conclusion I: Some crows are parrots

Conclusion II: Some yellow are parrots.

Ans: Only conclusion (II) is follow.

Q.44 What should come in place of? in the given series? 978 967 956 945 934 ?

Ans: 923

Q.45 If G means:D means A means: B means then what will come in place of the question mark (7) in the following equation? 19 D 6 B 34 A 2 G 27 = ?

Ans: 104

Q.46 What should come in place of ‘?’ in the given series? 13 52 169 520 1573 ?

Ans: 4732

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Tips and tricks to follow to score high in ssc mts exam

There are some tips and tricks to be followed to excel in the SSC MTS exam. Smart work along with hard work will give you good results in a very short time.

For this SSC MTS Previous Papers and Mock Tests and SSC MTS Daily Quiz 2024 should also be written.

But now let us see in detail each such tips and tricks to be followed to succeed in MTS exam.

• Understand the syllabus well and make a good plan

Candidates need to understand the syllabus of SSC MTS in detail.Because if you understand from which topic most questions will be asked then preparation can be done easily.After understanding the syllabus well you should make a good preparation plan for yourself.

Thus making a good preparation plan leads to a good preparation strategy.Due to this one can score well in the exam and succeed very easily.

• Writing Mock Tests and Previous Papers and ssc MTS Daily Quiz for SSC MTS

By writing mock tests related to SSC MTS, the candidates will get some understanding of the exam. By checking previous papers related to ssc mts you can know what the exam pattern is like.Writing ssc mts daily quiz will make you revise and practice whatever you prepare for.

So if these three things are done regularly with your preparation status along with preparation every day without fail then success can be achieved very easily.

You can clear SSC MTS exam in first attempt if you work hard every day without skipping it under any circumstances.

How to write SSC MTS Daily Quiz 2024?

There are some steps to follow to write SSC MTS Daily Quiz 2024. But what? Now let’s see how to follow.

• To write SSC MTS Daily Quiz 2024 first you need to open google or chrome browser on your mobile.

• After opening, type competitive support in the search bar. On clicking, you will be taken to the dashboard related to the competitive support site

• After appearing one has to go through the section called SSC Mock Test. After that click on SSC MTS option in that section.

• After clicking on SSC MTS option there will be free mock tests and SSC MTS Daily Quiz 2024 related to ssc mts.You can write and practice these very easily.

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