AP DSC Mock Test In Telugu 2024: Also AP TET 2024

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AP DSC Mock Test In Telugu 2024: Also AP TET 2024


Andhra Pradesh District Selection Committee (AP DSC) exam is an exam written by candidates who want to become a teacher.But for AP DSC 2024 notification, AP DSC Mock Test in Telugu is provided to you.In order to achieve good results in AP DSC 2024 candidates must write these AP DSC Mock Tests along with preparation.

Overview of AP DSC Mock Test In Telugu 2024

In this AP DSC Mock Test in Telugu 2024 some special topics have been explained.They are what they are

• Science subjects are most important questions: The most important questions related to science subject in the syllabus of DSC exam have been collected and incorporated in AP DSC Mock Test in Telugu 2024. But these questions are most important for upcoming AP DSC 2024 exams.

• What are the uses AP DSC Mock Tests?: The AP DSC Mock Test in Telugu 2024 article tells about the benefits of practicing the questions in the DSC exam.But they have to be obtained by each individual candidate.Because they are very very important.

• Where to find free mock tests for AP DSC exams?: For the candidates who are preparing for AP DSC 2024 exams, we have told in detail in AP DSC Mock Test in Telugu 2024 article where to find free mock test for DSC exams.So DSC candidates can prepare very well using those sources.

Understanding AP DSC Mock Test 2024

AP DSC Mock Test in Telugu 2024 will help the candidates to get good results.In this AP DSC Mock Test in Telugu 2024 you will get many important questions related to science subject.So everyone practice these questions and comment your score below.

• General Knowledge: This general knowledge consists of questions on recent events as well as history and geography.

• General Studies: This generator studies section contains questions on many specific topics and topics related to teaching.

• Pedagogy: This special section called Pedagogy covers questions related to methods of teaching and educational psychology and classroom management.

What are the uses of AP DSC Mock Test in Telugu 2024?

While preparing for AP DSC some mock tests related to DS are very useful.But these AP DSC Mock Tests have many uses.

1. How much score we can get in the exam will be known: AP DSC aspirants write mock tests to know how much score they will get.This is because many candidates are just preparing without knowing how much score they will get.

2. Time management: Time management is a crucial aspect of AP DSC exams.But those who master such an important subject will have good results.But one way to get good grip is to write some mock tests related to AP DSC every day.

3. Know strengths and weaknesses: So if you write this AP DSC Mock Test in Telugu 2024 you can know what are your strengths and weaknesses.By knowing how you can improve your exam preparation and score higher in final DSC exams.

AP DSC Mock Test in Telugu 2024 Most Important Questions and their Answers

Here are some questions and answers related to AP DSC Mock Test in Telugu 2024.

1. Color Examination:

• Question: What color does it appear when examined?

• Options: 1. Yellow green color 2. Orange brown 3. The color blue 4. Manure color

• Answer: 2. Orange brown color

2. Plant Tissue Identification:

Question: Identify which of the following is not plant tissue.

Options: 1. Skin tissue 2. Separable tissue 3. Circulating tissue 4. Connective tissue

Answer: 4. Connective tissue

3. Correct Tissue Pair:

• Question: Identify the correct pair among the following.

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• Options: 1. Nutrient tissue – Tracheids 2. Cartilaginous tissue – many cells 3. Connective tissue – tough cells 4. Storage tissue – cells

• Answer: 3. Connective tissue – tough cells

4. Animal Tissue Identification:

• Question: Identify the tissue in the urinary tract among the following.

• Options: 1. Columnar epithelial tissue 2. Granular epithelial tissue 3. Cuboidal epithelial tissue 4. Stratified epithelial tissue

• Answer: 4. Stratified epithelial tissue

5. Blood Group Identification:

• Question: Identify the blood group present in anti-A and anti-B antibodies in plasma.

• Options: 1. ‘O’ 2. A 3. B 4. AB

• Answer: 1. ‘O’

6. Substance for Blood Grouping:

• Question: Identify the substance in the following which is not required for the blood grouping experiment.

• Options: 1. 70% alcohol 2. Anti-B serum 3. Anti-A serum 4. Heparin

• Answer: 4. Heparin

7. Incorrect Cell Pair:

•Question: Identify the incorrect pair among the following.

• Options: 1. Granular cells – lymphocytes 2. Sanitation workers – monocytes 3. Microprotectors – Neutrophils 4. The cells that make antibodies are basophils

• Answer: 4. The cells that make antibodies are basophils

8. Warm-blooded Animals:

• Question: Identify which is not a warm-blooded animal.

AP TET Mock Test Free 2024
AP TET Mock Test Free 2024: DSC Test Series

• Options: 1. Dolphin 2. Crocodile 3. Penguin 4. Blue whale

• Answer: 2. Crocodile

9. Order ‘Nideria’:

• Question: Which of the following organisms does not belong to the order ‘Nideria’?

• Options: 1. Sea pen 2. Sea urchins 3. Sea anemones 4. See for

• Answer: 2. Sea urchins

10. Osmosis Process:

• Question: Identify the process that is not related to osmosis.

• Options: 1. Opening and closing of pores 2. Filtration of impurities in the blood 3. Infiltration of water into the roots 4. Permeating the smell of cents throughout the room

• Answer: 4. The smell of cents spread throughout the room

11. Incorrect Sentence in Seed Description:

• Question: Identify the incorrect sentence in the following.

• Options: 1. Monocotyledonous seeds have parallel seed distribution, fibrous root system 2. Dicotyledonous seeds have maternal sepal system, reticulated bee dispersal 3. Monocotyledonous seeds have a single spore and a dicotyledonous root system 4. Dense root system in seeds. There is a spread of reticulated bees

• Answer: 4. Dense differentiation system in seeds. There is a spread of reticulated bees

12. Incorrect Pair of Plant Categories:

• Question: Identify the incorrect pair among the following.

• Options: 1. Monira – Cyano bacteria 2. Protista – Euglena 3. Pteridophytes – Fern plants 4. Angiosperms – Flowering plants without ovules

• Answer: 4. Angiosperms – Flowering plants without ovules

13. Umami Taste:

• Question: Identify which of the following has an umami taste.

AP DSC Notification 2024
AP DSC Mock Test Free: AP DSC Notification 2024

• Options: 1. Cheese 2. Poka (Vakka) 3. Chili powder 4. Tamarind

• Answer: 1. Cheese

14. Incorrect Eye Lens Description:

• Question: Identify the incorrect sentence in the following.

• Options: 1. The retina of the human eye contains rods and cones. 2. The human eye has a convex lens at the back. 3. Kutakam, hidden in the middle ear of humans. The ankle bones are arranged in a row. 4. Human inner ear complex, hidden. The ankle bones are arranged in a row.

• Answer: 2. The human eye has a convex lens at the back.

15. Incorrect Animal Behavior Sentence:

• Question: Identify the incorrect sentence in the following regarding the behavior of animals.

• Options: 1. Kohler conducted experiments on chimpanzees and proposed behavioral ‘adaptation’. 2. The behavior reflected in the story of ‘Monkeys – Hat Merchant’ is ‘imitation’. 3. Behavior regulation that humans use to escape certain types of situations. 4. Squirrel is an animal that behaves to avoid other animals from stealing its food.

• Answer: 1. Kohler conducted experiments on chimpanzees and proposed behavioral ‘adaptation’.

16. Incorrect Leaf Green Description:

• Question: Identify the incorrect sentence in the following.

• Options: 1. Human blood is red due to hemoglobin. 2. Leaves are green due to foliage. 3. Hemoglobin contains Baran molecule. 4. Leaf green contains manganese molecule.

• Answer: 4. Leaf green contains manganese atom.

17. Parasite Identification:

• Question: Identify the parasite among the following.

• Options: 1. Kaskuta 2. Mushroom 3. Nepenthes 4. Yeast

• Answer: 1. Kaskuta

18. Digestive Process in Mouth:

• Question: Which of the following elements of food begins to be digested in the mouth?

AP TET 2024
AP TET Mock Test Free: AP TET 2024

• Options: 1. Carbohydrates 2. Fats 3. Vitamins 4. Proteins

• Answer: 1. Carbohydrates

Write Many Tests Like AP DSC Mock Test In Telugu 2024

Candidates who are preparing for AP DSC 2024 Notification must write test series like AP DSC Mock Test in Telugu 2024.But now we are going to tell you where such test series are.

• On our YouTube channel: More Mark Tests like AP DSC Mock Test in Telugu 2024 can be written for free on Competitive Support YouTube Channel Also you can attend free classes in this regard every day.

1. On youtube channel you will get DSC class every day Also, many types of tests like AP DSC Mock Test in Telugu 2024 are conducted every day.

2. So all those candidates who are not financially able to afford coaching must avail this golden opportunity.

3. Also everyone must join Telegram and WhatsApp groups like given below.Because you will find educational job postings in these groups every day.So this information may be very useful for you.

AP DSC Mock Test In Telugu 2024
AP DSC Mock Test In Telugu 2024

• Our Telegram group:AP DSC Free MockTelegram groups Tests and Daily Classes and many other updates can be found in these Telegram groups for free.

• Our whatsapp group: Whatsapp group to share latest news regarding AP DSC 2024 and free mock tests for candidates. But candidates can write these for free.

• Check Our Web Site: Many types of mock tests like AP DSC Mock Test in Telugu 2024 are available on Competitive Support website for free.If you want to write all of them, you can click on the link given above and write them for free.

1. Also, if any candidates are preparing for AP TET, free mock tests are also conducted for them.

2. So all the candidates who are preparing for tet keep this in mind and write first.Because writing these mock tests will benefit you a lot.Also, what benefits you will get, those posts have been clearly explained to you in detail.So try the AP TET Free Mock Tests available on our site once and share your feedback with us.


In this article, free AP DSC Mock Test in Telugu 2024 has been conducted regarding upcoming AP DSC Notification 2024 in Andhra Pradesh.But it is very useful for candidates who are preparing for DSC.Tips are given to score high in DSC exams.

What can be done in DSC exams to score high and also what are the benefits of writing this AP DSC Mock Test in Telugu 2024 for the candidates.But all these are also very useful for the candidates who are going to write the upcoming DSC exams.

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